Apple Independent Repair Provider Program also for Macs

Independent Repair Provider Program

Apple is expanding the repair program for independent businesses – whether this is a good deal for them remains to be seen.

Apple plans to offer the Independent Repair Provider Program for Macs as well.

As Reuters writes, Apple plans to offer independent repair shops not only iPhone parts but also Mac parts. Some time ago Apple had already launched the program for mobile devices, now it seems to be the turn of mobile Macs.

Apple has been under a lot of pressure for some time now: both from the right to repair movement and from the legislators in the US and the EU. Since Apple does not sell spare parts through official channels, it is not possible to repair an Apple device if the company thinks it is not possible or the device is too old.

However, the Independent Repair Provider Program does not seem to be the last word on the subject and is seen as a trap for many repair companies: There is almost no support from Apple, the ordering process for spare parts is extremely bureaucratic, warranty is not allowed, even though they are original Apple parts and the prices for these parts are so high that many companies simply refuse to join the program for this reason. So it remains to be seen whether Apple will voluntarily move in the direction of a little more repair friendliness or whether the legislator will have to create facts.

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