The network connection of your NAS can be accelerated to 2.5 Gbit/s and more via an external USB adapter.
Transfer photos from iCloud to Google Photos
From now on you can move your iCloud photos to Google Photos without much effort.
M1 Mac: USB only 5 Gbit/s instead of 10 Gbit/s
It seems that external SSDs on an M1 only work with one USB lane, which limits the throughput to 5 Gbit/s.
Bitwarden: Amazon Login and Basic Authentication
Bitwarden logins can differ even under the same URL. We will show you how to deal with the situation correctly.
Which password manager for Mac and iPhone? Bitwarden.
Managing passwords manually is unprofessional and annoying. With Bitwarden you can use a modern password manager.
Audiobook App Eary now for Apple Music
Finally, Eary is also available for Apple Music: listen to audio books and remember the playback position.
Create macOS PPPoE connection
If necessary, a direct PPPoE connection to the Internet provider can also be established with macOS.
2.5 Gbit USB adapter upgrade better than 5 Gbit or 10?
You can upgrade your Mac with a 2.5, 5 oder 10 Gbit USB adapter. But which one is a smart choice?
AlDente limits battery charge to M1 Macs as well
AlDente can significantly increase the life of your
battery when the MacBook is in stationary use.
A1277 100 Mbit Apple Network Adapter macOS drivers
Apple likes to leave out the drivers for old hardware, but we install them again. This way, the 100 Mbit/s Ethernet adapter can still be used.
Synology & Qnap NAS: OpenVPN via IPv6 IPv4 setup
We show you here how you can reach your Synology or Qnap NAS on the road via OpenVPN – even over IPv6.
Tips: Which 1 Bay Synology to buy used?
You want to get a used Synology? How about one that’s actually bigger than the one you wanted?