Configuration Gigaset Go Box 100 for o2 Voip Telephony

edited March 2022 in Internet & Mobile

If you have a router that does not have a part for IP telephony, for example a DrayTek or an Asus or your own solution with a simple modem, you can still use Voip telephony with o2. The best way to do this is with a Go Box 100 from Gigaset, which is also not expensive.

First of all, log into your o2 account for the landline internet and look for the data for your Voip account, i.e. SIP server, SIP phone number, SIP user name and SIP password. So you have four important pieces of data.

We assume that you have already registered DECT handsets with the Go Box 100 base and the rest is as from the factory (otherwise reset the base). Connect the Go Box 100 to the network with the network cable connected to the side and then type in the address

in your browser. This should take you to the configuration interface. If this does not work, you must check the router to see which IP the box has been given and then call it up manually. The Go Box is not the fastest, so always wait a few seconds after a click until the corresponding page is displayed.

First go to Settings - Telephony - Connections and then click on "Edit" under IP1.

There you enter the o2 SIP user name in the field "Login name" AND "User name". The password is the password. The rest can remain empty.

Then click on "Show more settings". More fields will open. Enter the o2 SIP server in the open fields (you can ignore STUN). In the example, the server is "" because it is an old contract. Simply accept what is displayed in your o2 account. We have set the outbound proxy mode to "Always". "Automatic" should also work.

Then save everything.

The connection will be displayed as inactive for a few seconds and should then change to "active". If necessary, reload the page.

Now it is important to go to Telephony - Number Assignment and activate "INT1" for outgoing and incoming calls. Otherwise you will not be able to call out. Further down you can also activate the answering machine.

Optionally, under Telephony - Audio you can set the voice quality to "Optimised for high bandwidth" so that you can use the best one. We would recommend this.

Under Settings - Device Management - Other you can set a few more options.

If you want to give the box a fixed IP, you can do this under Network - IP Configuration.

This should make everything work. Again, this only works if you are not using a router that does not have a Voip part that registers with o2. If you would like to use the Go Box 100 behind a FritzBox, then you can read here how to do this.

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