How to install FreshTomato on Asus RT-N18U

The Asus RT-N18U is very suitable if you need a fast and stable WLAN-n router, which also has a Gigabit switch on board. Together with Fresh Tomato it will be even better.

Preparation: FreshTomato on Asus RT-N18U

We use the Asus Firmware Tool for your routers - but it only runs Windows. So you should have access to a Windows installation Furthermore you can download the current OpenWrt Firmware. The link points to a firmware which is current at the beginning of 2020. Just check the directory structure if there is a newer one.

Furthermore you should restore the factory defaults in the original interface under Administration > Restore before you start.

Instructions: FreshTomato installation on Asus RT-N18U

1. Fixed IP, router in recovery mode

Give your computer a fixed IP. Afterwards you hold the reset button on the router and switch it on. Keep the button pressed for a few seconds until the blue LED flashes slowly. Then the router is in recovery mode and waits for a new firmware from Asus Tool.

2. Connect router, start tool

Now connect the router to your Mac. Then start the Asus tool and select the corresponding firmware file.

3. Flash, wait, done!

The tool should now have detected the router within a few seconds and then install the new firmware. Afterwards the router can be reached at If that doesn't work, reset the router after five minutes, after that it should be accessible. That's it!

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