FritzBox: How to open a port/port release

edited February 2021 in Internet & Mobile

FritzBox: How to open a port/port release (for SFTP)

Maybe you read our article about your own cloud backup with a Synology and want to open the corresponding port in your FritzBox now. We'll show you how to do it.

In the FritzBox go to the menu item Internet > Shares and simply add Synology under "Add device for shares".

At the bottom of the page that opens, there is an item called "New Share". Click on it.

Now select "MyFRITZ! share" and set everything as shown in the picture. The port is set to 22 by default, but you can also select another port from the unused range, for example 49200.

Then set everything as shown in the picture:

Then "OK", "OK" and "Apply". This activates the share. If you then look into the share again with the stylus, it will show you the address where the share can now be reached by address, for example sftp://euergerä With this address, the share can now be reached by SFTP from anywhere and at any time. (You will of course notice that this is the DDNS address set up here, with an addition for your chosen device, e.g. the Synology).

Now port 49200 is enabled and all requests coming in there will be passed through to the device.

Go back to the article with the instructions for your cloud backup and a Synology here.

Open port for OpenVPN on Fritzbox:

Addendum: If you want to create a share for OpenVPN do it the same way, but choose the normal "port share" at Create share and set everything like on the picture. As port we chose again a free one, the default port for OpenVPN is 1194.

The Fritzbox will then pass an OpenVPN connection directly to your Synology or Qnap NAS.

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