How to install Univention Corporate Server (UCS) as macOS Server replacement

You miss functions like Calendar Server, Contacts Server, Mail Server, DNS, DHCP and VPN Server in macOS Server? In this article we presented you an alternative, Univention Corporate Server (UCS), and this is the tutorial how to do the installation.

Due to the fact that the UCS is Linux based, we have to install it in a virtual machine. So a Linux runs on our macOS - you know, like Inception. The utility we need is called VirtualBox and can be downloaded here for free. Just install it like a normal program.

Then download your Univention Corporate Server as Image (i.e. prepared operating system with pre-installed software) here. The version for VirtualBox of course.

Now open VirtualBox and import the downloaded image via "File > Import Appliance". This may take a while.

Then the image is listed on the left. Click on it and then on Start.

Now macOS will ask you to grant VirtualBox more rights. Log in and do that.

This will start the installation of the Univention Corporate Server (UCS). Choose your language and the desired network settings. Remember the address!

Then create a new domain (or join one) and set the admin password.

Now assign a server name and possibly choose a few software packages:

The next step is the download of updates (which may take some time) and then the success message.

After the reboot the VirtualBox window should welcome you like this:

Now switch to the browser and open the server interface under the address noted above. Password is what you have assigned, name in case of doubt "Administrator".

Everything else can be found in this manual.

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