Tutorial: How to install Ubuntu Linux on a Mac oder in a virtual machine

There are several ways for you to install Ubuntu on your MacBook: Either in a virtual machine or directly as the main operating system on the internal hard disk or SSD. A virtual machine has the advantage that you can use or try Ubuntu while continuing to work with macOS.

If you want to install Ubuntu as the only operating system on your Mac, because it is so old that there is no longer a current macOS version, take a look at the third manual. There we show how to create a USB stick from which you can boot later and install Ubuntu.

We chose the LTS version 18.04 of Ubuntu because it will be supported over the next five. So you only need to install it once and then you can simply run the updates for five years.

Install Ubuntu using Parallels

First of all, we have to

Download Parallels.

Then we open it and select the "Linux" option. This is completely free to use.

This will open the wizard

You can either download Linux or choose the option "Install from image file", as we do in this example.

Of course you have already downloaded Ubuntu if you do not want to use the integrated download function: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Then select the Ubuntu.iso accordingly

You can then enter the name and password for your Ubuntu account. The installer passes it directly to Ubuntu. Very convenient.

Now you can see an old-fashioned boot screen

And then the Ubuntu installation starts

At some point the Ubuntu logo will appear

And shortly afterwards you can log in

Top tip at this point: Parallels is holding the mouse pointer in the virtualization window. If you "control + alt" is pressed simultaneously it will be released.


Ubuntu on Virtual Box.

First step:

Download[Virtual Box.
(https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads "Download Virtual Box.

In addition, your Ubuntu should be available as an.iso file for the desired installation: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

The next step now is to install Virtual Box just like any other program.

Then create a new virtual machine with the following selection:

As memory size 1 GB may be enough for testing, but we still tend to double

We leave the following two settings unchanged. This gives us a virtual hard disk that only grows when it is filled with data.

Then give the hard disk a name and choose the size:

This creates the virtual machine! Select it now starts it with the green arrow.

Then select the.iso file (the downloaded Ubuntu) and press Start.

The Ubuntu logo appears and the installation begins.

Just choose your language and keyboard design.

After that you can choose how you want to install. A minimal installation is practical if the computer is only to be used for the Internet anyway. If it becomes the main computer on which other programs are also to run, choose the complete installation.

Furthermore, it makes sense to load the updates in the background. The third party drivers are not absolutely necessary on the virtual machine. Usually the Wifi module in the Mac gets the right drivers, as does the graphics card. The software is then not quite open source anymore, but it works. This should also be the case in the virtual machine.

Then select complete erasure of the hard disk. Don't worry, this refers to the virtual one, not to the actual one.

A restart follows by pressing Enter once.

And Ubuntu is already installed.

Guide: Install Ubuntu as the only operating system on your Mac

If you have such an old Mac that you want to replace an outdated OS X, you can also install Ubuntu directly on your Mac. What you need is a USB stick, an. iso file from Ubuntu and the application Etcher.

You can find the USB stick in your drawerUbuntu 18.04 is available here and theFlash program Etcher here.

First we prepare the USB stick: opens the disk utility. This can be found in Programs > Utilities > Disk Utility. Select the USB stick and then the option "Delete". Give the stick a name, select MS-DOS as file system and GUID as partition table. If the latter is not possible, just try it this way, it should then simply be adopted.

All right. Now install the freshly downloaded Etcher, if you haven't already done so

Then open the program. It is very easy to use. Select the downloaded Ubuntu .iso from your download folder as well as the USB stick as destination and simply press "Flash". Then you have to confirm with your password.

Excellent! Now you have a bootable medium. This is what you put into the Mac you want to install Ubuntu on. Here again the friendly hint: everything else on the hard disk will be deleted, so make sure that everything you need is saved.

And off you go: turn on your Mac and press the alt-key while the gong sound appears. Keep it pressed until the following selection comes up:

Select the orange USB stick, that's the one we just prepared.

Then comes the Ubuntu menu. Select "Install Ubuntu".

Now you can choose the language first

Then there are other criteria. If you want to use Ubuntu normally, select -haha- "normal". If a browser is enough, choose "Minimal". A check mark at "Third Party Software" is also recommended. This will give your AirPort card the right driver, as well as the graphics card.

The next step is to format the hard disk

Then copying the data starts

At some point the process is completed and a restart is required

If you have not removed the USB stick, you will get a friendly hint when rebooting

And now Ubuntu is on the Mac, which wants to do some updates:

If you have not checked "Third Party Software" above, your Wifi will not work. You can install it (with a LAN cable of course). Go to Software and Updates > Additional Drivers.




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