ftp access for USB Stick on DrayTek Vigor 2760

A connected storage device such as an USB stick or a hard disk can be made available on the DrayTek Vigor 2760 via ftp in the network. It is important that the storage medium is formatted with FAT32. On the Mac, this can be done with the Disk Utility (MS-FAT with Master Boot Record). If you plug the stick into the USB port of the DrayTek, it immediately pops up on the dashboard.

You now have to create user accounts for ftp access. Go to USB User Management to do that.

Then choose a number. If you have a brand new router, all entries should be empty. Just create the accounts you like.

In the detail view you then specify the name and password, as well as the directory that the user is allowed to access. If you take "/", everything is accessible on the storage medium. You also have to set the rights. If everything is ticked, of course everything can be done. If you are only allowed to read, you put a tick on READ and leave everything else alone. Done.

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