Adobe Photoshop Camera App for iOS

Photoshop Camera Ios App Whaaat

Adobes Photoshop App for iOS lets you experience live picture filters to make entertaining shots.

You want a camera app for the iPhone with really good effects? Then try the new Photoshop Camera App for iOS from Adobe.

The negative in front: you need a registration to use it. The app is free of charge – you know how it works.
Adobe Photoshop Camera App Registration

The app is really very entertaining and powerful. The effects are placed live over the image before being triggered. A great thing. You can choose between different styles or let the artificial intelligence optimize pictures by itself. Adobe promises a constant update of the filters and lenses called effects.

Photoshop Camera App Test

Surprisingly, it’s actually quite handy to put the filter over the picture before taking a photo instead of taking a shot first and then editing it afterwards. You can see some quick test images here in the article with our keyboard. One thing you have to pay attention to though: You should have a battery pack with you, because the real-time effects make good use of the iPhone’s processing power. During the few minutes of testing, we were able to directly determine how the iPhone warms up. Still, we think that the fun is worth it.

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