If you use the Creative Muvo mini Bluetooth speaker for a while, you might notice that it gets sticky at some point. Our Muvo is now five years old and felt as sticky as a flypaper.
Now you could go out and just buy a new one – but why, it still works. So we simply tried to remove the outer sticky layer and lo and behold: it works quite well! All you need is isopropyl alcohol or isopropanol. Pour a little bit of it on a handkerchief and you can start rubbing off the outer sticky layer. Make sure that you wear gloves and that the room is well ventilated.
After a bit of diligence, all the nasty coating will be removed (and the handkerchief probably a bit red). You can see from the photos that it is much better than before, especially the speaker now feels normal again and no longer attracts dust. Gone, however, is the elegant matte appearance, you now get a gaudy glossy finish (compare photo of the bottom, which we left as is).
But what the heck, in principle it was just a matter of making the speaker more suitable for everyday use and to do something against throwing it away. And that worked out well 🙂