Smartphones with a foldable display? Some may ask themselves how long this should last. Samsung now answers this question.

samsung galaxy fold test

Some time ago, both Samsung and Huawai came around the corner with smartphones that you can simply fold including the display in the middle. Even at the beginning, you inevitably asked yourself how long this would go well and whether the displays could survive in everyday use.

The Galaxy Fold’s Folding Test

Samsung has now released a video for its Galaxy Fold that shows how the company is testing the smartphones for durability: a series of robots flip some of the new phones open and close over and over again. Samsung also delivers hard facts in the press release: The display should be able to be folded and unfolded more than 200,000 times. The test shown in the video took a whole week.

Calculated in terms of real-world use, Samsung says the display will tolerate this treatment for five years if you open and close the phone 100 times a day. If this were to be achieved with a first-generation device using this technology, it would be quite impressive.
