Cause: Melomania Touch earbuds do not charge

edited November 2021 in Accessories

If you have treated yourself to the Melomania Touch Bluetooth earbuds from Cambridge Audio, you value good sound quality. However, if you are affected by the problem that an earbud does not charge properly, then you might be affected by the following circumstance.

We had the same problem with our first test specimen for our review: the cause turned out to be that one of four contact pins only got insufficient contact with the case (the two pins are irrelevant in everyday life). So if you pressed a bit on the not charging Earbud or wiggled it a bit, it could be persuaded to charge. So a simple "put it into the case" without additional control was not possible. In addition, the one Earbud stopped charging from time to time, especially when the charging tray was moved.

With the naked eye, it was not possible to see why the movable fourth pin in the charging case did not want to make contact with the recording in the earbud. We suspect that the manufacturing tolerances simply add up. In addition, the rounded shape does not necessarily help to always ensure a flawless fit.

If you suffer from this error, then you should directly exchange your copy at Camebridge Audio. This can be done without discussion. You don't need to hope for a firmware update if it is a hardware error - so exchange them directly. The magnet in the case pulls the Earbud to the right place and also charges when you move the case, as it should be.

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