MacBook Pro 2010: Installation stops, progress bar is stuck

Hey everybody! I just got a used MacBook Pro from 2010 for cheap and I would like to make my new backup machine. I replaced the hard drive and the hard drive cable for a new one because the old one was defective, but I run into an annoying problem:

When I try to install macOS, it all starts very well, formatting works and everything, but somewhere in the middle of the process it gets stuck. The progress bar goes to somewhere in the middle. I let it run over night, but nothing helps. I started from a disc, from a USB stick but no difference. Does anybody have an idea? The MacBook still looks very good and it would be a shame to throw it away. Thank you.


  • Hi Mike!

    I know that situation quite well. I checked everything - except the RAM. In my case, one of the modules was faulty. Check both of them, if the installation doesn't stop anymore, you found the problem.

    Good luck!

  • That's been it! Thank you! I never had a failing RAM module until now. Just removed the defective one. :)

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